An Introduction

Welcome to Living Pastures Farm! We are Jonathan and Ellen Elliott. After four years of full-time farming with some of our dearest friends, we have decided to cast into the deep (bad metaphor for a beef farm?) and start our own farm here in Marshall, VA. For the time being we are focusing on raising 100% grass-fed and grass-finished (no grains ever) beef and selling it direct to the consumer. Perhaps other animals (chickens, turkeys, pigs, etc.) will come in time, but for now we are working on building our herd of cattle.

We will be keeping all who are interested (if you’re reading this, I hope that includes you!) up to date here on the blog and through our newsletter (you can sign up for the newsletter by clicking here). We will be sharing all variety of updates from the farm: infrastructure progress, animal news, product availability, reflections on farming (our own experiences, history of agriculture, the state of farming in the US and elsewhere…), book reviews, etc. Our hope is that this blog provides insight into why agriculture is something that we should all care about, an ongoing explanation why we chose particular practices, and “how-to” guidance for those already farming or considering farming. Please share your thoughts and reflections on ours. One theme that will surely come up through the months and years is the importance of re-establishing the connection between the farmer and the consumer, and that includes connecting through conversations.

If you think any family or friends would be interested in our farm, please send them the link to sign up for the newsletter:

We have been busy looking at heifers and steers, coming up with a grazing plan, and gathering materials. Much more to come in the following weeks!